Have you received a CP01H Notice? In this article, we’ll discuss what that means and how to fix it. What is a CP01H Notice? If you receive a CPo1H notice, it means the IRS wasn’t able to process your tax return and they’ve placed a lock on your account because the Social Security Number of the primary or secondary taxpayer you provided on your tax return belongs to someone who was deceased before the current tax year. Here’s what that means for you and how you can fix it if the notice has been sent due to an error. Why Did I Receive a CP01H Notice? The CP01H Notice is generated after the SSN you submitted was compared to the records the Social Security Administration has for you. Once the IRS has determined the SSN on your tax forms is incorrect, they send you the notice and lock your account. This is done to prevent identity theft. This may be a simple keying error, where someone (you or your tax preparer) entered an incorrect Social Security Number for you or your spouse (if you are filing jointly) Find out more about 1099 filing penalties here. Next Steps: Correcting an Error If you think the IRS received records in error, the first step you should take is to contact the Social Security Administration to correct the information. Once the Social Security Administration has corrected the information, you’ll need to follow the instructions on your CP01H notice to file your tax return. Next Steps: Unlocking Your Account Your account is automatically locked when the IRS sends the CP01H Notice, which means you’ll have to take some steps to have it unlocked. Here is a list of all the things you will need to send to the same address of the IRS campus where you filed your return in order to unlock your account, according to the IRS itself: A copy of your CP01H Notice letter A written request to unlock the account A photocopy of any one of the following items: Passport Driver’s license Social Security Card Other valid …
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