With the introductions of the 1099-NEC for the 2020 tax year, there are many common 1099 filing mistakes, but they can be easily avoided with some research and planning. 1099-MISC and 1099-NEC Common Mistakes One of the common mistakes that we’ll see a lot next year is the confusion about which 1099 form to use, MISC vs. NEC. The MISC form is largely unchanged, but the non-employee compensation will now be reported on the NEC form instead. This includes all the payments made to independent contractors for services and products related to that service. Next to completing the wrong form, not verifying the TIN (taxpayer ID number) is another easy mistake to make. This will cause all IRS reporting to be off, often resulting in penalties that a business, its contractors, or both may have to deal with. Filing a paper return, while not inherently a mistake, may result in late fees and penalties if the number of forms filed exceeds the IRS limit of 250. This count is per form, so you can file 10 1099-MISC and 130 1099-K forms with no trouble, but if there are 265 1099-NECs, the NEC forms must be e-filed. If you find yourself making any of these mistakes, it might be good to figure out what the filing penalties are and how to correct the issues. If there are errors in your 1099 forms, click here to learn how to correct them. How to Avoid Them Many of these mistakes can be avoided by doing some research about the different forms and their due dates. Double-check all information you will be reporting, especially the TIN. Having a professional individual or service look over your 1099s can also be a cost-effective way to avoid common 1099 filing mistakes and ensure all your forms have been filled out and submitted correctly federally and by state. If you think e-filing these forms is confusing, eFile360 can help. For more information about electronic filing, sign up for a free eFile360 account. …
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