When it comes to running a successful business, understanding and adhering to the rules of taxation is essential. Unfortunately, there are some illegal business tax practices that you may not be aware of. Knowing what these are can help you avoid costly mistakes or even legal prosecution. This article will provide an overview of some of the illegal business tax practices that companies must be on guard against. So read on to learn more about how to protect yourself and your company from falling victim to these violations. Illegal Business Tax Practices: Deductions There are hundreds of tax deductions available for individuals and businesses to take every year. Some require that the taxpayer itemize their tax return, while others can just be subtracted from the amount a taxpayer owes the IRS or the state and local governing bodies. But there are also lots of instances where someone thinks something should be deductible but it isn’t. Nearly all personal bills and living expenses are not deductible save a few choice areas that pertain to things like children, home businesses, and the like. Business News Daily even shared some off-the-wall deductions their readers shared, like the guy who hoped to deduct the price of the motorcycle he recently bought because it’s his stress reliever and it helps him perform better in his professional role. Or the client who wanted to claim a dog as the company mascot and provide it with the same medical coverage employees are entitled to. While these are extreme (and funny) examples, there are many things that seem like they should be deductible but aren’t. Let’s go through a few of them. The first one we want to talk about is business-related entertainment. We’ve seen the movie scenes where everything from dinner and drinks to all-inclusive resorts are just put on the “company card.” And while certain businesses may be willing to incur such expenses to win over clients and grow their business, you can’t deduct 100% of those …
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